A day in pictures






Black raspberries

Cherry tree

Black raspberries which were made into jam today

Photo credit: Brian Cassella, Chicago Tribune


Lotus root

This is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we were free, we could gather in public without fear of being gunned down. If it were the land of the brave, our legislators would enact reasonable gun laws including banning military grade weapons. But they are not brave. They are too afraid of running afoul of Trump and his ilk or losing their funding from the NRA. Every single Republican who refuses to vote for these laws is as culpable as the shooters they are tacitly arming. And frankly, every single Republican who has elected these spineless fearful law makers is equally as culpable. 

None of my family were near Highland Park today, though it is close enough that my mother contacted me just to make sure. I grieve for the families who lost loved ones so needlessly. No one should have someone they love sacrificed on the alter of political power and hubris.


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