Fiber Mon... er... Tuesday - Off the loom

Today has been Monday all day and I don't know why. I'm not sure what yesterday was supposed to be. So just to confuse me completely, I'll do a Monday post on the day that is not Monday. Plus, I think we all need something a little lighter for a bit, don't you think?

I finished weaving the project I had on my floor loom on my birthday, then took the rest of the week getting it washed and trimmed and pressed. Here is the final project. This is the gamp portion.

(Do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a picture up close of something very long?) This is about 14 inches wide and over a yard long. Here is a close-up where you can see some of the patterns better.

I'm very happy with how it turned out. I showed it to one of my weaving teachers over the weekend and she thought it was well done which made me pleased. I'm going to be hanging this in my studio where I can both see it and use it as a reference for twill patterns. 

Then since I had warp still on the loom after the gamp was finished, I decided to do some larger sections of different colors. 

(Once again, so hard to get a good picture.) Each color is done in one treadling pattern. I found it interesting how the warp color interacted with each weft color. Here are some up close photos of some of the different colors.

I'm going to cut apart each section, fold them in half put in a zipper, and end up with four little bags. Any guesses as to how long this fabric will sit on my sewing machine waiting for me to get around to this project? I'm sure I don't know.

Having finished my big weaving project, I went back to spinning for a while. I had been jumping back and forth between several different projects in that sphere, but decided I really needed to finish one, so have been working on finishing the brown sock yarn. I am so close to having all the singles spun and being able to ply it into the finished yarn. This is all I have left.

Two little nests of combed fiber. That's probably about twenty minutes of spinning right there, tops. I'm kind of excited to see what the finished yarn looks like. Then I need to comb the light grey part of this fleece and get that little bit spun for the colorwork portion. I suppose I should probably start looking for a sock pattern I want to knit. Matching a knitting pattern to the yarn I've spun is not an easy process for me, so it could take me a while to find one that I both want to knit and that matches what I've made.

That's it for this week. My loom is looking sad and empty with no warp on it. Probably planning out my next project will be on next week's list of things to work on. 


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