Let's Make America Great

but this time, let's forget about all that 'again' business. Instead, let's actually get it right this time. We can make America great by actually voting in lawmakers who are truly pro-life and are tired of seeing adults and children gunned down every week. 

(These photos are of my children in fourth grade. I am thankful I am not having to bury a single one of them.)

We absolutely need gun reform laws. Because guns really do kill people. Oh, sure, there are people pulling the triggers, but without access to guns, it would be a hell of a lot more difficult to kill an entire classroom of children. 

We absolutely need to elect lawmakers who are actually pro-life who will make universal health care —including a total rehaul of the mental health services — a priority. No one should have to choose whether to pay rent or buy groceries or seek medical care. No one should have to forego mental health services because they aren't covered by insurance. 

We absolutely need to elect lawmakers who are not lunatics and continue to lie to the people that Biden did not win the 2020 election. They are only committed to themselves and their own power. They have little regard for the people they say they care about. We cannot trust them to do what is right for our families. They say they are pro-life, but anyone can say anything. Looking at their track record says all that you need to know.

We absolutely need to elect lawmakers who are actually pro-life and see every single person as having value and dignity regardless of their ethnicity or color. It seems to be a pretty straightforward idea that if you receive money from white supremacist groups, you are automatically ineligible to run for office. 

P. is 10 in this photo

We absolutely need to take action now in order to stop the not-so-slow march of our country towards religious authoritarianism. 

I did not want to write this post tonight. I had planned on writing about raising a household of teenagers along with a great quote about brain development. But there are over fourteen families who did not want to be grieving the loss of someone precious to them tonight as well. These families are grieving, and it was 100% preventable. There is no great mystery as to how to stop the onslaught of gun violence. Other countries seem to do it, so it is not impossible. If you are pro-gun, how do you justify your position with the egregious loss of life we have seen? 

This is not getting better, and it is getting much, much worse. No one can afford to be silent any longer. Every single person who is horrified and angry and grieving over the continued loss of life absolutely must speak up and say something. You cannot be nice any longer. This horror absolutely must stop.


Anonymous said…
100% agree and love the photos. Thank you for posting.
CarrieG said…
I remember crying at our school’s Christmas pageant when Sandy Hook happened. The sadness overwhelmed me as I sat listening to our students sing and I sobbed so uncontrollably I had to leave the gym. I drove to work today completely numb knowing that there was a big retirement celebration on our lawn at school awaiting me. I was unable to feign a celebratory attitude. I sat sipping my coffee trying to hide so I didn’t have to smile and pretend that we’re not all just one breath away from being the next tragedy. I am now numb, quite frankly. We have lock down drills once a month and evacuation drills once a year. I can’t count the number of times I’ve told my children to leave the country even though that would tear my heart out. They don’t want to raise children in this country. I don’t want them to raise my grandchildren here either.

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