Two million

This evening, this blog passed a fairly momentous benchmark of receiving two million page views. That's kind of a big number. Allow me to do some navel gazing in honor of it.

I never dreamed when we began this blog in 2005 to keep friends and family updated about our first adoption that sixteen years later I would still be writing it. Who would have thought? I didn't even think I was a very good writer and happily off-loaded the blog updating to J. for the first year or so. It just goes to show that writing is truly a matter of practice. 

It's also a little surprising to look back and realize just how much a part of our family this blog has become. It has chronicled the past sixteen years of family life in a way that just a photo album couldn't manage. In discussions of what happened when, it is the final arbiter of any arguments. It has recorded incredible joys as well as the lowest of lows. Today, not only does it continue to keep family members in the loop, but also adult children as well. It has become such a part of our lives that there are a couple of family members who will check in if I haven't posted in a few days just to make sure everything is okay. Barometer, photo album, memory book, time machine. It feels as though it has done it all.

This unvarnished-ness has been very purposeful on my part. I never want to imply that we are perfect nor do we have everything figured out. No one does, regardless of what their social media feeds look like. It is okay to be less than perfect, to have bad days, parenting failures, messy houses, and periods being convinced that nothing is ever going to be good again. It is not okay to live only in those darker places because there are plenty of good and joyful things around us, even in the mess. I truly hope that anyone reading here takes that away. Life is not either/or, it is both/and. The trick to living successfully is to accept the less than perfect, knowing that perfect is not achievable, but also to take great joy in what is good. Good and perfect are not synonymous. 

The other thing I find so interesting when reading through past posts is to realize exactly how much I have changed over the years. I know I've written about this before, but my younger self was so sure I was right yet so afraid that I wouldn't live up to that rightness. It was actually pretty exhausting and didn't leave much room for joy. My children, in all their hurt and pain, have taught me so much... have changed me so much. This blog is also very much a chronicle of that slow and somewhat painful process of change that I went through. There are some past posts that I very much cringe to read. There is a part of me that just wants to delete them, but they are all part of the story, so I leave them there. I often feel as though I am a walking poster child for Maya Angelou's quote, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." It's actually all any of us can do, isn't it?

Could I ask you a favor, my dedicated readers? I know all of you are comment-shy... I have the statistics to show that as well. I often find it an endearing quirk among my readership. But sometimes it's nice to know what people are thinking; that I'm not really writing into a vacuum despite those two million page views. If this blog has made a difference to you, could you write a short note saying so? It doesn't have to be long, even just, "Keep writing," will suffice. Over the past year or so, with everyone growing older and the well of cute children posts drying up, I wonder if I should keep writing. I'm happy to keep writing as it provides a place for me to sort out my thoughts about things, and I realized long ago I am most definitely not a journal-type person. I guess I sometimes idly wonder if people want to keep reading. 

Since this is veering over into some rather maudlin territory, I'll stop here. But I do want to add one last thing — Thank you to my readers. I know blogs are a little passé these days, yet a significant portion of you check in regularly. You don't have to do that, and I appreciate it very much.

[Don't expect a post tomorrow. We are heading out early in the morning to go to the Midwest Horse Fair and won't be back until late. B. has come to watch the animals for us so we can get away for the day. People are excited to go but not so excited at the rising early bit.]


Grace Reddy said…
We love you all and are so glad you write so often! It helps us feel close even though we are far away! Thank you!!!! Hooray for SO many views!!!
jan ranger said…
keep writing :) we moms need each other. please and thank you. xo
Julie W. said…
Keep writing! You write very well. I enjoy the glimpse into your life - that is both very different, and yet somehow similar, to my experience.
Unknown said…
Definitely keep writing! I love reading your words!
Anonymous said…
As someone with far too many interests and far to little time, I enjoy your little peaks into your life and the infectious love of learning and exploring you foster in yourself and your family.
Britta said…
Please keep writing! I very much enjoy your almost daily updates, which regularly give me something to think about. Also, we seem to share a similar taste in books. It has happened quite a few times that you mentioned a book or series which made me re-read it (like Amelia Peabody or Jane Eyre) or gave me a new tip (like the Invisible library).
Also I've learned quite a bit about weaving. ;-) Myself, I don 't get further than knitting or embroidering, but a few week ago the kids andI passed a field of sheep and I could actually answer some questions on how to make something from the fleeces.
Robin said…
I am blessed to read about all your thoughts. I miss you and your family. Keep on writing.
Anonymous said…
Love your blog. Please keep writing. Such a divers family, unusual and inspiring. Different topics every day. No perfect life, but a very happy one.
Greetings from the other side of the globe!
Anonymous said…
Greetings from Europe. I particularly enjoy your homeschooling advice posts and connected parenting advice posts since those are not very common discussion topics in my country.
Unknown said…
I read daily to stay connected to your family. You and J were, are, will always be, important to us. There are many times I read and think: Holy Cow, how is she managing this_____. And lots of times I say to myself: Yup, I totally agree. And always I read and think: Oh how I miss you. Karen
Angie Butcher said…
Having been through similar experiences and growth as a person- I enjoy reading about your process and growth.
Jennifer said…
I check in every day! Your insight has most definitely changed the way I view the world and myself. I began reading here because I also have a daughter from China. I miss your meal planning posts!

Thank you,
Julie said…
I love checking in and reading here! I enjoy reading about your family so much and I love the honest approachable way you discuss what can be difficult topics - you often give me meaningful insights to consider. Even though I don't comment really ever, I hope you keep writing - I will keep reading :)
SJ said…
Do please keep writing and I shall keep reading daily because I find relevance in your topics of family and daily life. I am not a fan of leaving comments, but your blog anniversary does deserve accolades.
Evie said…
As a homeschooling mom to 3 little boys, I find your insight so helpful and encouraging!
May May Tchao said…
Keep writing Elizabeth. You'll never know how many lives you've touched. Same thought for my film.
Anonymous said…
Your writing is insightful and full of interest to this adoptive mama who also homeschools. I am often inspired by your thirst for knowledge and to try new things. Be encouraged and keep writing.
Laura said…
It has been a joy to keep up with you and the family from across the country. Your journey has been delightful to follow. Thanks for writing! Laura
Sarah Riche said…
I love your perspective on adoption, the hard as well as the beautiful. I've also enjoyed following your homeschooling journey! Keep writing :)
Anonymous said…
I very much enjoy reading your blog, it is a breath of fresh air and has made me feel less lonely as a Christian that doesn’t fit the mainstream evangelical mold. I hope you keep writing ❤️
Anonymous said…
I have been checking in with you on a daily basis for 9 years. I can’t even believe it’s been that long…. I have learned so much from you and I am grateful that you keep writing about hard things. And the joyful things. All the things. The funny part is, I find myself in friendly, mental debates with you on some of your posts and you never seem to mind when I disagree with you. I have learned so much from you and I consider you a friend. Keep writing!
Anonymous said…
I am a mom to three children adopted from China. I am very much interested in all that you write.

Also, thank you for continuing to use Blogger as your platform. I don't use FB or IG or TikTok.
Deb Keating said…
Please keep writing! I look forward to reading your blog. We have four (now teens) adopted from China and each day presents new challenges. It is good to see someone willing to share their experiences. I also really love to hear what books you are reading to your children. Thank You for being you.
Lisa Alleson said…
I have so enjoyed your blog and have learned so much from you. Our chance meeting in China has been such a blessing to me. You have helped me to handle situations in different ways, which result in more positive outcomes for myself and others. You encourage me to learn new things. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for opening a window into your lives. I do so enjoy reading about the everyday life of a family quite different from my own. I have marveled at the amazing family life you have created! Could you bring back those menus? I really was inspired by those!

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