My brain is filled up

It's been a full week. Everything is good, but there's been a lot. On Wednesday, I met with a friend who is a therapist and also has taken EFL training. We were discussing if there were ways we could collaborate together. I have a feeling that I got much more out of the whole conversation than she did. She is amazing at networking and pretty much spent quite a bit of time with me giving me a whirlwind networking lesson. I'll admit that it is a little bit (okay, a lot) outside my comfort zone. While I believe passionately about the benefits of EFL, I pretty consistently battle imposter syndrome, so the idea of contacting strangers to tell them about the services I am offering feels a little bit of a stretch. I've been doing a lot of thinking to process all of that.

Then today I had the first full day of the weaving class I'm taking. It is all about how to weave twill and there is a lot to learn. I find it fascinating, but it is also a lot of information. Today we learned about twill structure as well as beginning to warp the floor looms so that we can spend the next two classes actually weaving twills. Tomorrow will be another day long session in the weaving studio and then we have a two week break. 

I love learning new things, but I'm glad it is nearly bedtime because my brain just wants to rest. It feels a little like having a lot of important information strewn about a desk and needing to take some time to get it all sorted and organized before it all gets lost. 

Here is what I spent a good chunk of the day working on. I realize it doesn't look like much in the photo, but it is really the product of hours of work. I'm sure I will have more to show and to explain on Monday.


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