Fiber Monday - Snow Day!

I was awakened by my phone ringing early this morning. I do not awake quickly, so I was clearly muddled as I got out of bed and staggered (really, it was a stagger) to my phone. I'm actually surprised I didn't accidentally decline the call because my brain was definitely interpreting the noise as an alarm and I was just trying to make the noise stop. I did manage to answer and it say hello. It turned out to be a welcome call since it was the neurologist's office saying she couldn't get into the office due to snow (snow? I didn't know we were due to have snow) and could I do a telemed appointment. Since we drive about an hour and half to this particular doctor, skipping the drive (in snow) seemed like a lovely idea, so of course I agreed.

And we did have snow. In fact when I looked out the window it was still snowing. I think we got about five inches or so. I declared it a snow day because I had planned to be driving to a neurology appointment and hadn't planned anything for school. Everyone was happy to go and play outside instead.

I realize it's difficult to see the edges, but this is the stock tank, which I am always so very happy to see the heater working with liquid water inside.

L. (if you can make her out) on the trampoline.

I offered money if people would clear the drive since yesterday when J. was using the snow blower it was blowing not snow, but flames out of the exhaust. This doesn't seem to be a good thing.

K. seems to live in his very own ecosystem. That would be one where you wear tank top in 26 degree weather and use a broom to sweep the driveway. (He did put on long pants and sneakers as opposed to shorts and slides. That's how we know it's cold.)

After the driveway clearing, Y., L., and G. tried to get Aster to pull them on the sled. Aster was not really excited by this and declined.

I did finish one project over the past week... that tank top I traced the pattern for and cut out. It fits fine and wasn't too difficult to sew.

I also picked up that dang sock again, this time actually creating the gusset so that it will fit. I wanted to get a lot more knitting on it done this afternoon since it was a sort of bonus day, but I sat down on the couch to knit and promptly fell asleep for nearly two hours. I guess I was tired since I don't normally nap.

Remember that picture of yarn I showed you earlier? This one...

This is actually going to be my next weaving project on my rigid heddle loom. That skein in the middle is that ugly first yarn I spun when I was working on getting my skills back a couple of years ago. I had thrown it in my stash not really wanted to get rid of it, but also not really wanting to knit with it, either. It's not as though I'd wear something made out of it. But then weaving... I decided that what it is perfect for is to make into cloth and then I can take that cloth and make a fabric basket to keep other ongoing projects in. It seems the perfect use for it and I can try my hand at sewing with my hand spun, hand woven cloth. Since there was not nearly enough of it, I found a few other colors to work with it. The blue on the bottom will be the warp (the long, up and down part) and the hand spun and three colors on the top will be the weft (the going across part). It will be a fun experiment.

It was actually shopping for this yarn that made me venture to the shop at the arts center last Friday, which ultimately was the reason why I spent all day Saturday weaving. I loved the class! I feel pretty confident I can now use my loom here. There is one more class in a couple of weeks where we will finish the projects we started. It was a lovely way to spend the day. 


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