Vaguely irritated

Thursdays wipe me out because they are our co-op day where I teach three classes, plus just being gone all day. More than once both R. and I have fallen asleep on the couch after I read at teatime. While this doesn't happen every week for me, it does for R. That is also after a brief nap she has leaning on my shoulder during one of our afternoon breaks. She loves the two classes she is taking in the morning and is doing a fantastic job of participating, but it exhausts her. Tonight, J. came home with her sound asleep next to me. I pretty much couldn't move, so he fixed dinner. It makes me think that I don't always appreciate how tiring some things can make our children. 

All this to say, I don't have a lot to write this evening except for my current irritation. We've had several interviews and have several more on the calendar. I don't mind as I find myself saying pretty much the same thing each time. I have noticed something interesting, though. J. and I have been on the same phone call for some of them. Inevitably, the interviewer will ask what he does for work. Not once have I ever been asked what else I do other than raise children. I'm pretty sure it doesn't even occur to the interviewer to ask. 

Did I say interesting? Oops, I think I meant infuriating. Because I do do things outside of raising my children. J. does things outside of raising children and people think that's perfectly normal and acceptable, so why is it so difficult to wrap ones head around the fact that I might too? I have a lot of answers, and if you've read here for any length of time you have some idea of what those things are. I find I actually really resent being cast as a one-dimensional character... even one that is supposedly "amazing". 


Unknown said…
There is a whiteboard in my daughters room on a parquet table right next to her bed.
I started writing in Chinese some of the things I hope to do together when she is home.
Build a kite, ride the tandem bicycle, swim in the ocean...
One of the first ones is to read story books together.
Every time I think of it I imagine reading to her on the couch and her falling asleep against my shoulder.


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