Various brain related things

Today was my annual eye appointment. I'm happy to report my eyes are healthy. Given past issues and family history, this is not something I assume, so it's a relief each year when it is. I complained about how I was seeing, though. My far vision is just fine. My near vision? Well, it stinks, frankly. Up until this past year, I had been wearing contacts with two different prescriptions which enabled me to see close up. This was mainly because one eye had gotten worse and the prescription wasn't strong enough, so we fixed that. Then I found I couldn't see at all close up and invested in a ridiculous number of cheaters. I'm tired of it.

Today we decided to have me go back to monovision with one eye wearing a contact for near vision and the other eye with a contact for far vision. I haven't put the trial lenses in yet, but will do so in the morning. I anticipate feeling a little off balance for a couple of days. I'm not looking forward to it, but am hoping that my brain can adjust to the monovision-thing and I can go back to using cheaters just for threading needles. If my brain can't... well, I'm just not going to worry about that right now.

In the meantime, I think we are in the middle of a huge traumaversary for R. Friday night she was up most of the night and had four seizures. She has been not quite right for the past few days. I actually wasn't sure I was even going to make my eye appointment today. This time, though, I'm realizing that mid- to late October has always been atrocious for her. It was two years ago on Oct. 30 that we ended up in the ER overnight, and I remember that it came after a very long string of difficult behavior which pushed us over the edge to take her in. I have no idea what happened to her at this time of year, but it had to have been significantly bad. Thanks to more felt safety, more organized behavior, and appropriate medicine, we are all weathering this October fairly well. It's not fun, but we don't feel helpless and hopeless. That's something.


Unknown said…
Oh no! Poor R and Mom; it must be terrible to know she is struggling so much.
Its getting cold this time of year. There is also different mold in the air which has an odor and is irritating. The light is changing too.
Any one of these could be a trigger for an implicit memory depending on where she was in early life when the trauma happened.
They would be more likely to be experienced and more triggering at night.

As for the vision- me too. Try a wire needle threader! Those things are great!

For those of us hanging on and waiting your blog is a life saver.
Thank you so much for this

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