Movie marathon

There was a general consensus among the children that no one was really interested in going trick-or-treating this year. While they were still interested in candy, all the rest of it wasn't feeling overly interesting. They decided that what would be fun would be to get candy and watch a movie. I suggested a movie marathon of watching the two versions of Journey to the Center of the Earth and we could compare them to each other and to the book. Everyone thought that sounded like a fun idea and agreed. Then we decided that since Halloween was on a Sunday, it would make more sense to do the marathon on Saturday. 

Earlier today J. took everyone to a local candy store and people got to pick out the candy that they wanted. To squeeze both movies in, we started about five o'clock with the first, older version. At six, we needed to take a break so I could bring in and feed horse. J. also ordered pizza and went to pick it up. (Ordering pizza for dinner is a long time Halloween tradition for us.) We then continued with the movie fest while we ate pizza which just added to the party atmosphere because it so rarely happens. It was a good evening.

It was also fun to compare the movies and the book. Some people preferred the older version because it kept closest to the book. Most of us preferred the 2008 version. I liked it better because it was more of an homage to the book with a much tighter story line. We were all appreciative that the pages and pages of wanderings through dark underground tunnels were omitted. 

Everyone had fun and it was the simplest Halloween ever. I think we may have found a new tradition.


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