Margin is thin some days

For various reasons, I felt the need to retreat to my studio and do quite a bit of spinning this afternoon. I have found something that is even better than just sitting and spinning. Sitting and spinning and listening to MIT course 9.13 The Human Brain on MIT OpenCourseWare via YouTube. I've known about OpenCourseWare for a long time, but what was available I didn't find particularly useful. But actual lectures? That's a whole different story. I'm in! This particular class does have two introductory prerequisites, so I hope I can keep up. When I mentioned this to J., he laughed at the idea I wouldn't be able to, keep up, that is. I would happily spend an hour spinning and listening to a course lecture each day if life didn't happen to intrude, which I'm sure it will. 

We are also very much missing TM today on his 19th birthday. He has already planned out all the things he wants to have when we do our delayed celebration when he gets home.

And, that's all I've got for you tonight. 


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