A whole lot of nothing

I have five books that I am in the middle of. They are interesting books and mostly well-written, but I am just not getting through them. I'll read a few pages in one before I go to sleep, but that's more because I'm not sure I can fall asleep without reading a few pages first. Most of the spring and summer I have been on a non-fiction jag, doing a lot of reading about the brain, the mind, and emotions. But I think it is now time to take a break and let it all simmer in the background. We took everyone to the library today (because they didn't have enough books to read... this happens every couple of days), and I went and browsed the shelves and brought home some non-serious fiction. I want to not work at reading a book and just enjoy it. I'm hoping these books will do the trick. 

What will also help, I think, is that all of my lesson planning for everything is done. That would be three co-op classes, two unit studies, and a new horse class. It was a lot. I will be the first to admit I was a little (okay a lot) over ambitious. Having paid the bills today, my brain is blissfully empty from the constant planning and to-do lists of the past month. This also seems cause for light, untaxing reading. 

As you can probably tell, my brain is currently so empty that I don't really have anything to write about. And since I didn't write yesterday (a visitation followed by a late dinner happened instead), I didn't want to have two days in a row go by. Perhaps I should have let another day go by... 

J. did take a nice picture this evening, so I'll share that to make up for the rest.

Our over-abundance of fruit (peaches and apples) is on the docket for dealing with over the next two days, so maybe I'll find something with a little content to write about from that.


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