
We made it home about 7pm last night. It was a brutal drive. At least J. and I found it so. The younger six in the back seemed rather impervious to the heat as long as they had a steady supply of snacks. By the time we reached home, J. and I were pretty much done in, between the sweating and the noise from having the windows all the way down. I hadn't planned dinner because I had no idea what time we would hit the house, so after getting home, I headed to the grocery (in the air-conditioned car) and bought supplies to make a chef salad. After too much bad food while traveling, we all needed something fresh and healthy... and that didn't require turning on anything that produced heat. 

This morning I hit the ground running because I had scheduled two Girl Scout merit badge sessions for the girls to come out and earn their horse merit badges. We had fun and tried to stay in the shade as much as possible, but it was still hot... 92 degrees with 80 % humidity is not my favorite weather. (Is it anyone's?) I feel as though I have sweated my weight in perspiration over the past three days at least three times. You would think my clothes would be falling off of me. They are not, however. 

I am now going to spend some time this evening creating a sort of battle plan for getting the last few things done. My horse classes start next weekend, school for us starts next week, and the co-op classes start the week after that. There are still a lot of little odds and ends that I need to get finished. And when I finish them and everything starts? Oh my goodness, am I going to experience such a sense of freedom. At that point everything will just switch to autopilot and I can once again start thinking about other things. I am actually looking forward to everything starting again. 

And maybe the weather will have cooled off and I can stop sweating buckets every time I go outside.


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