A little stream of consciousness

Being out in the heat takes it out of me. After nearly three hours outside this afternoon, I wasn't good for much. We even ordered pizza because I couldn't fathom either making dinner or turning on more heat to do so. I keep trying to imagine how cold I will be come January and how much I would appreciate a little bit of warmth, but I am currently at that moment in the summer where I am convinced I will never be cold again. Extreme temperatures make me a little grumpy. I have no idea why I live in the land of extreme temperatures. The possibility of 140 degree temperature differences just seems a bit much, don't you think? (In case you question this, in the past two or so years we've seen highs as high as 100 degrees F and lows as low as -40 degrees F.) 

Anyway, since I am clearly rambling, I should get to my one small story for the day. TM loves to give gifts. He is an extravagant gift giver. It is most definitely his love language. He knows that Y. loves gummy candy, so he sent her a surprise gift as a thank you for taking care of Aster. Yesterday, ten pounds of gummy worms arrived on the doorstep and today, twenty pounds of gummy bears arrived on the doorstep as well as a couple of extensions sets to Ticket to Ride (TM's favorite board game.) We now have Amsterdam and Japan to add to our collection. They will be fun to figure out. It was all so sweet of him. Fifty pounds of gummy candy is a lot of gummy candy, though. Perhaps I should start a contest to see who can predict how long it will take the swarms of locusts to eat through that much gummy candy. (Y. is sharing, she realizes that it would not be really possible or wise to try to eat that much candy on her own.)

Since this post is all over the place, I'll add a picture that has nothing to do with heat or gummy candy or even Aster. Such is the state of my overheated brain.

Here are Bristol and Kenzie making friends the other other morning. They were being so sweet together. 


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