Friday bullets - March 26, 2021

One week of spring break down. I'm very glad I planned in two weeks because I am not ready to go back to our school schedule yet.
  • I realized last week that I forgot a very important item. Last month TM ranked up to private second class in the Army National Guard. He says he has a good chance of ranking up to private first class before he ships out to boot camp. I'm extremely proud of how well he is doing.
  • TM also wanted to experiment with my phone camera, so I ended up with quite a few pictures of Aster on it. Here are some new ones of her.

  • And one of Kenzie for good measure. He always looks vaguely worried.
  • J. received his first Covid vaccine yesterday. We're getting closer to having everyone vaccinated who can be. W., MC, and B. are fully vaccinated or almost. A. can start looking, as can D. because he is employed at a library. I'm really hoping that individuals over 16 with underlying health conditions are next because that would take care of H. and R. (as soon as she turns 16 at the beginning of May.) TM can book an appointment because of being in the Army. That just leaves P. 
  • Ever since I finished reading the book about the Alexander Method earlier this week, I have been hyper-aware of how much tension I perpetually carry in my body. You should try paying attention, you may be surprised as well.
  • D. is expecting to hear from more colleges in the next week or so.
  • Tomorrow morning we titrate up R.'s prescription again. I'm hoping it is as non-eventful as the last time was.
  • One thing I accomplished during spring break was to finish making the yarn from the wool I got for Christmas. Here is the finished product, though I still need to wash it before it can be used.
  • I would be happy to go back to having warmer weather again. The gloom and the low 40's is not my favorite weather to be outside.
  • P. will be coming home sometime in early April. It will be so good to see her!
  • Delta, TM's guinea pig can be extremely loud.
  • In the book Social that I'm reading which I mentioned earlier this week, I came across something interesting today. It seems the same area of the brain which responds to positive feedback and attention from other people and makes us feel good is the same area of the brain which responds to chocolate and makes us feel better. I'm not going to draw any conclusions, but it sure seems interesting, huh?
  • One of the best things about my new phone? I could download DuoLingo again! I'm back to working on relearning French. I also admit to having more than a few other languages on there as well for when I feel like it. (The reason I had to take Duo off my old phone is that it had so little memory I was down to the absolutely necessary apps just to allow it function.)
  • We lost Ramona, one of our names hens earlier this week. It seems that she just died in her sleep. It made us a bit sad as she was a nice hen. Plus, she was one of the last layers of blue eggs which always made me happy.
  • The name Ramona reminds me that I read today that Beverly Cleary died yesterday. In her honor, if you have never read the Ramona series, then be sure to do so. If you have young grade school aged children and have never the read the series to them, then don't let anymore time go by before you remedy this oversight. 
  • In general, it's been a pretty uneventful week. I've been working on a long to do list, but have yet to finish any of it, children have lazed around alternating between reading or listening to books and moaning about not knowing what to do. Well, except for K. who has spent his spring break building with Legos. He knows exactly how we wants to spend his time. I imagine next week will go more smoothly as everyone hits their vacation stride... just in time to get back to school.
  • I am perfectly alright with children moaning about not knowing what to do. They eventually sort it out and I feel little need to try to rescue them from their moaning.
And with that, I'm going to call it a night. Enjoy your weekend everyone!


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