Got snow?

We've had a bit of snow here. Evidently, we've had more snow in the past couple of weeks than we usually get during an entire winter. And we're not done, because more snow came down this afternoon. How much snow? Well, let me show you.

For this one, you're going to have to enlarge the picture to really appreciate it. If you look past Java towards the far fence, you will see drifts that are up to the middle rail of my 3-board fence. 

Here, you can see how the chairs seem to have lost their legs and are sitting on the snow.

And this is the pond. Somewhere. At least this is where we left it.

I'm pretty sure I took a fourth photo, but beats me what my phone did with it. It was of my mounting block. My mounting block with three steps. The snow is up to the very top step which means it is not a terribly useful mounting block as it is the same as standing on the ground. 

We are starting to wonder exactly how long it is going to take all this snow to melt and what kind of a mess it will leave in its wake. It could be a very unpleasant mud season. Not much riding going to be happening then. (Oh, for an indoor arena!) My money is May before the packed snow paths and the huge chunk of ice we tipped out of the stock tank finally disappear. 

The snow can be very pretty when the temperature isn't hovering in the single digits for weeks at a time. But I think I'm definitely over winter now. 


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