Improving the hermitage

The avalanche effect of what was seemingly the simple of task of moving D. down to A.'s old room and moving K. up to D.'s old room continues, and after two weekends of this, the house still isn't quite back to rights yet. 

G. and L.'s room is looking pretty good. The walls are very blank so I'll be looking for things to put up. (L. has requested Chinese dragons. That sounds easy to find. Not.)  But it is pretty much finished and organized. The loft? R., H., and Y.'s room? D.'s room? Not so much. 

The loft has the remains of G. and L.'s old dressers (which started life as P. and A.'s dressers) They were not in the best of shape and had clearly seen years of use. We decided to get a new dresser for them (a long, low one they could share and would take up less space), and then use their old dressers as salvage so that J. could repair H. and R.'s dressers which are the same style. That he did today, which meant that we also sorted through H. and R.'s clothing, adding another bag or two to the give away pile. The skeletons of the salvaged dressers are still in the loft, taking up most of the space. K. and G. have decided that they make an awesome laser gun battle site, which is what the loft has been used for much of the day. I'm not so thrilled to have a laser gun battle site in the loft, so would like to figure out what to do with them.

J. also started painting the dark purple wall in H., R., and Y.s' bedroom. This means that beds are pulled away from the wall as well. The first coat is on, but there just wasn't time to day to put on a second one. Even with just the first coat and some of the purple showing through, it is a significant improvement. It does highlight the horrible paint in the rest of the room, so I think J. will just continue to work his way around. Their room isn't going to be settled again for a while.

D. is slowly working on getting his room to rights. He was working on putting his new dresser together today and has decided he is not fond of building endless drawers. He needed a new dresser because he left his old dresser in his old room for K. since K. never had a dresser. A. took her dresser with her, so that meant we were short a dresser. (Because it seems my hobby is buying dressers at IKEA. I'm pretty sure I have bought over 11 dressers there over the past four years or so. I don't want this to be my hobby.) 

Maybe this is just a signal that we are well and truly on our way to becoming hermits. Because of R., I have seriously pared down my schedule, which has been good for her. But other than grocery shopping, my weekly riding lesson, and the occasional doctor's appointment, I just don't have much call to leave the house. So I homeschool and do laundry and take care of horses and work on projects in the studio and read. I'm not actually complaining here; it's been pretty comfortable. Maybe too comfortable? I don't know. I do teach the occasional riding lesson and sometimes return messages... but it's really a low bar in terms of interacting with the wider world. J. still has work which seems to involve endless Zoom meetings, so he isn't quite the same level of hermit. Anyone else feel as though they have turned into a hermit and forgotten what it is like to interact with actual people? 

And after this exceptional amount of bloggy navel gazing, I'll stop here.  I have a book (my 12th book of the year which is a very high number even for me) to get back to.


Donna said…
I am thinking of changing my name to Hermit. Your pared down schedule sounds like a social butterfly to me. 🤷 On the plus side, we have avoided covid so far.

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