Waiting, waiting

We have all been fighting something here for the past five days or so. It started with J. last week, and then one by one, people have succumbed. (Those who have not are keeping pretty scarce in their rooms at the moment.) J. did go to have a test, but we are still waiting to hear the results. Sigh. On the plus side, it does seem as though people are on the mend. 

G. was one of the first to fall, but she is completely recovered now. So much so that she did some baking this afternoon.

It was G.'s first layer cake and she did it extremely well. I gave some tentative instructions and then left to go lay down in bad again. This was pretty much supervision free. It was a fudge cake and was one of the moistest cakes I've ever had. We will probably add it into our usual repertoire.

Dinner was chicken noodle soup. There was a moment of not knowing what we would do for dinner since today was supposed to be grocery day, but then I remembered I had the left-over chicken from the other night. The rest of the makings we had on hand. Tomorrow, assuming I'm continuing to mend, I'll take an inventory of what we have on hand and figure out what our meals will be. It's not as though we don't have food in the house.

The food situation was helped significantly when a good friend sent a grocery order to us. There were important things such as fruit and milk, but the masses were ecstatic to see the treats arrive which I don't normally buy. Thank you!!

So life continues on hold while we wait for the results. I would just like to know whether I need to cancel all of next week as well. Part of me kind of hopes we do because by then we'll all be well, but then I could actually take advantage of the free time which I haven't been able to because I've been laying around trying not to feel horrible.


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