Quarantine life

I realized that I forgot to share some pretty big news yesterday. A. was offered her first full-time, post college job yesterday! It is a management trainee position which will turn into a facilities management position for a well-known, nationwide gym. It's exactly what her major is in and it seems as though it is going to be a good fit. We are very proud of her and she is very excited.

As far as the ongoing Covid drama, everyone but Y. seems to be nearly back to normal now. Y. started running another fever and spent most of the day in bed. I'm hoping she can kick this thing soon. J. and I felt so well that we spent a good chunk of the afternoon trying to sort out and restore order in the utility room. That would be the room of the house that functions as laundry room, storage room, has the furnace, the hot water heater, water filter, and freezer and second refrigerator. It is not a terribly large room to manage all of that, so it very easily becomes the place where random items get dumped because we don't know what else to do with them. For a while now it had been reaching crisis proportions, but we had been ignoring it. Until today.

We are still not done, but we have made progress. Perhaps it will be done (or as done as it can be given the space constraints and what we need it for) tomorrow. I'm in full cleaning and organizing mode, so have a list of many other similar projects to tackle when it is done. I'm not sure the quarantine is going to be quite long enough to manage the entire list.

In other exciting news I set dinner on fire tonight. TM helpfully took a picture of the burning food right before J. blew it out.

You can see the little flames still around the edges.

It was a cassoulet of sausage, cauliflower, rice, and beans. The topping was panko with a little oil mixed with Romano cheese. The idea was to run it under the broiler for a couple of minutes to get it crisp. 

Check. Did that. 

Perhaps a little too crisp. We took off the burned part and the rest was just fine, thankfully. In my defense, I'm going to blame my stove. When I bought it at the ReStore, I thought it was a dual fuel range... you know gas burners but electric oven. This is my much preferred combination. Well, this silly oven is electric except for the broiler which is gas. The gas mechanism also takes up far too much room inside the oven, and I'm always having to shift things around to make them fit. I don't love it. And now I don't love it even more if it is going to set things on fire after something being under the broiler for two minutes. Whoever designed clearly didn't really cook. 

Add in one seizure for R. and D. wading into the large pond in the forest preserve to rescue a plastic pumpkin with a crown which was floating there, and you have a pretty good sense of how the day has gone.


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