
When you clean up a room, you sometimes discover that you don't have the storage solutions that you need. You think maybe a trip to IKEA when you can leave your house again might be a good idea.

As you think about different storage solutions, you realize that you need to move out a filing cabinet.

In order to get rid of the filing cabinet, you have to decide where to put the files that are in it which you still need.

So you decide to move the giant filing cabinet upstairs to your bedroom because this way you can have a place for the files and your husband can have a space for his work files.

You (or your husband and son) move the large filing cabinet upstairs.

Of course, things never fit quite like how you imagine them in your head, so you need a new plan.

If you move one desk, a reading chair, and two large bookcases, you could use the filing cabinet to create a wall and allow your husband to have a slightly larger work space.

Moving all those items seems more than you can handle on this particular day, so you leave everything in a halfway state in your bedroom.

Moving the files up to the filing cabinet means that you should probably go through and purge unneeded files before putting them in their new home. This also seems like a lot, so the small filing cabinet is still in the utility room. 

Instead, you spend time thinking about what to do with the extra space in the family room which now has a gaping hole where the filing cabinet once lived. 

And you avoid trying to figure out where all the extra egg cartons are going to live (and which are now stacked on kitchen counters) because they used to live in the large filing cabinet. 

No immediate solutions come to mind, so you leave both the gaping hole in the family room and the stacks of egg cartons on the kitchen counters.

You go back up to your bedroom and wonder if you purchased another bookcase could you make a more enclosed work space?

And so you think, maybe a trip to IKEA would be a good idea once you can leave the house again.

My small 'clean the utility room project' has now grown to include three different rooms. We are not done yet, and I'm a little concerned exactly how many rooms the falling dominoes will end up including.


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