Meal planning - August 25 - 31, 2020

I dislike planning meals when it is beastly hot. This is mainly because I do not like cooking or eating when it is beastly hot. If I could get away with it, I would just buy several gallons of ice cream and call it good.

Tuesday, Aug. 25

     I found salmon on sale for $4.99/pound the other day, so bought two huge fillets. I never see it at this price. One is now frozen, the other we enjoyed tonight. J. put a mustard sauce on it and baked it.
New potatoes

Wednesday, Aug. 26

Ponzu Steak Salad
     This is a noodle salad that uses grilled steak, green onions, and ponzu sauce (it's a citrus-y soy sauce). It's pretty simple and surprisingly good for how few ingredients are in it. I think it's a Pioneer Woman recipe if you want to search it up. But most importantly, I don't need to heat my kitchen up to make it. I'll do the noodles early in the day.
French bread
     Store bought this time. I'm not baking.

Thursday, Aug. 27

Greek salad
     Another cold salad. This time with lots of vegetables and feta cheese.
Pita bread
     Also store bought

Friday, Aug. 28

     I'm hoping the temperature drops a bit as they are predicting.

Saturday, Aug. 29

Split pea soup
     We were supposed to have this yesterday, but really, who wants a warm soup when it it hot outside? Not me, so I postponed it.
     From scratch

Sunday, Aug. 30

Sweet potato cakes with chicken and poblano relish
     I can't remember if I've made this before or not. But I had some leftover sweet potatoes and a bunch of poblanos growing in the garden, so seemed like a good choice. We'll probably make a salad to go with it as well, but that didn't make it on the list.

Monday, Aug. 31

Chicken and wild rice soup
     This is a new recipe. I'm hoping I'm not tempting fate by planning more soup.
     From scratch


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