The beginning of garden craziness

So you remember yesterday when I mentioned my cucumber vines and how at some point I would be inundated with cucumbers. Well, that point happened to be today. J. decided to poke around in the cucumber bed to see if there were any ripe and this is what he found.

That's a lot of cucumbers for not knowing there were any ripe. While was picking cucumbers, I decided to take a look at the sugar snap peas. I've been picking these pretty regularly, but I still got quite a bit.

Since I didn't really have anything planned, I decided to go ahead and turn most of the cucumbers into dill pickles right away. My family can eat their weight in dill pickles and we go through many quarts over the course of a year. I knew I was going to be doing a lot of pickling, so I planted quite a few dill plants in my garden. When I headed out to collect the dill...

I thought maybe I'd just take a look through the cucumber vines one more time. Look what I found?

Yep. More cucumbers, and some not very small ones, either. I did get the pickles canned. Using 3/4 of the first batch of cucumbers, I was able to get 7 quarts. It's a start.

But wait, there's more.

After I turned the horses in this evening, I thought I should go take a look at my green bean plants because when I glanced at them earlier I thought I had seen more more beans on them. I was right.

This was after we picked enough yesterday to have sauteed green beans as a side dish. I'm hoping I can save enough to make dilly beans, which I love.

Finally, I think I am most excited about these.

These are Chinese long beans. I've never grown them before, so they are an experiment. These are the first two ripe beans, but the vines are just now really starting to get going and have lots of flowers on them. We could end up with a lot. Heck, we could end up with a lot of everything. I'm not complaining, just it takes some effort to keep up with eating and preserving everything so that it doesn't go to waste. The next couple of months could be busy, garden-wise.


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