Meal planning, July 28 - Aug. 2, 2020

Well here I am on a Tuesday again fussing with meal planning and grocery shopping, when in my head I am really doing this on a Monday. I feel as though I've briefly lost my meal planning mojo. The trouble is that when you have 12 other people who think they should eat every day, you have to do it whether you feel like it or not. At least this week I have actually made a menu. It's a step in the right direction, huh?

Tuesday, July 28

     We'd had tacos recently, but when I asked for suggestions this was popular, so that's what we had. Plus, it's easy.
Refried beans
     I had cooked beans in the freezer, so I just needed to heat them up.

Wednesday, July 29

Italian sausage, pepper, and onion sandwiches
     I do this in the crock pot, and since I had frozen sausages and languishing peppers, it seemed like a good choice. I'm hoping to talk G. into making buns to eat it in.
Sauteed long beans
     The long bean plants are producing a lot, so we need to keep eating them to stay ahead.

Thursday, July 30

Lemon chicken
     This is a popular dish, but I don't always enjoy making it as it is a lot of standing over the stove. TM really wanted it and even volunteered to make it, so here it is on the list. (It's linked to the recipe.)
Egg noodles
     I had to buy lettuce this week. It felt wrong.

Friday, July 31

So, I had written something down on my menu and then scratched it out. Evidently to my befuddled brain this meant I had taken care of it. When Y. asked what I had decided for Friday's dinner, I couldn't remember, so looked and discovered that I had never actually planned anything. I have no idea what we will be having, but I have a few days to figure it out.

Saturday, Aug. 1

Cha ca
     This is a Vietnamese dish that is catfish, dill, and green onions cooked and served over rice noodles. It is very, very good, though I still haven't quite managed to make it as well as the dedicated cha ca restaurants in Hanoi.
Cucumber salad
     Also Vietnamese, though I make one version spicy with Thai bird chilis and another without them for the non-heat loving children.

Sunday, Aug. 2

Macaroni and cheese
     Homemade. This is a bone to throw to L. who does not enjoy Vietnamese food in the least and is already suffering at having to look at the plate in front of her.
Sauteed Swiss chard
     Also a garden vegetable that needs to be eaten.


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