Welcome to my life

There has been much hoopla about how to fill ones time during this period of staying at home and practicing social distancing. I was kind of excited about it and looking forward to getting some things I've been wanting to get to done. I even toyed with the thoughts that I might even be able to sneak into my studio and be able to work in there a bit. I have some sewing I need to work on and a friend gave me a really cook quilting pattern, and there is my new dress form that I haven't played with yet... there are always at least a dozen possible projects in there. I had daydreams of being so caught up on the laundry that I could finally get to the things that could use a wash but are not vital. Of course, it would also be fun to get out one of our longer games and play them with my children. The internet was promising boat loads of free time and I was ready to fill it.

Today I made a realization. This social distancing-thing where you stay at home with your children all day, every day? It's my life. The only difference is that since I'm not also driving various people hither and thither I'm able to just stay caught up with the basics as opposed to having to choose which basics I do that day. There is not vast quantity of sudden free time. I am disappointed. And actually the time I am not driving seems to be taken up with helping my more anxious children stay regulated.

For anyone who has wondered to themselves how I do it, here is your answer. I practiced social distancing before it was a thing. It was just the only way that life can actually work for us. It's probably the only time in my life that I've been ahead of a trend.

I still feel a little cheated that I didn't get at least an opportunity to experience having so much time on my hands I didn't know what to do with it.


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