A week off from meal planning

If you are looking for this week's meal plan, remember, last week, I posted my menu for the next three weeks. It was a huge grocery bill, but I'm kind of liking not having to worry about this week's meal or go to the grocery store tomorrow. I doubt that when life goes back to normal that I will try to do more than one week's meal planning at a time, though. It's just too much work on the front end.

I think I will be making a rather large order from the Chicago wholesaler I mentioned on Friday. I spent quite a bit of time going through their list of offerings, deciding what I wanted to get. With that order, which I plan on going to get mid-week, we should be set for another several weeks. (Some of the items should last long beyond the need to shelter in place. I hope.) Someone will probably need to go pick-up some milk and fresh fruits and vegetables, but other than that I think we'll be fine. This is good because with the understandable limits stores have put on different things, I can't buy enough of one item at one time to be useful for my 14 people. It would require making multiple trips to the store which kind of defeats the purpose. I do think the next time I have to go to the grocery store, I'm going to take a picture of my family and put it on a sign that I will attach to my cart.

Pretty much, we are faring fine and supplies are holding out. (Shavings for the horses will be the first thing I need to restock.) Tomorrow, school begins again for my college students. They have all moved to online classes, so the challenge will be for them to find spaces to do what they need to do online without being disturbed by the roving masses of loudness which usually roam the house.

Fasten your seat belts, I have as sneaking suspicion that our collective roller coaster ride isn't over yet.


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