Not political

It's a funny thing about being able to view the statistics for the blog, because you can see correlations you might not notice. One that I have discovered is that on the (very) few times I mention political things, the number of people viewing the post plummets significantly. I know that politics is often unpleasant, but one cannot always be an ostrich even though that is was seems easier and more pleasant at the time. Silence is tacit agreement, and I cannot agree to so much.

But the title promises no politics, so I need to veer towards safer ground. The other correlation that I have discovered is that funny animal posts tend to do extremely well in terms of the number of times a post is viewed. So to help balance out yesterday's post, I present you with what happens when a certain Great Dane takes selfies.

(Yes, we all know Olive had help taking her selfies. Her great big toes are just too big to push the little buttons on the phone after all.)


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