Friday bullets on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020

We were at the visitation for our friends' daughter last night, so posting didn't happen.

  • Yesterday Y. turned 13, and we celebrated this evening. If you go strictly by age, she makes the 7th teen in the house currently.
  • Part of Y.'s birthday gift is to get her ears pierced, because 13 is the age for that in our family. She is very excited.
  • I finished To Kill a Mockingbird earlier this week. I have been processing it with anyone who will discuss it with me. I can't help but think it reads very differently in 2020 than it did when it was published or even when I was in high school. I didn't hate it, but feel extremely gutted by it.
  • I am now currently reading a phenomenally light and fluffy book. I needed a mental and emotional break in my reading life.
  • I've started doing figure 8's and learning how to pivot in my driving lessons. 
  • I ordered some new winter breeches (for riding) because they were on sale and my collection was getting truly pathetic. But they are pretty heavy, so if we suddenly have an early, warm spring, where they would be completely too much to wear, you'll know whom to thank.
  • P. is doing a great job with the stick shift in her new car.
  • D. is all set to take his driving test to get his license, we just have to figure out a time where that can actually happen.
  • Y. has been coming out most days and helping G. and I in the barn. This started because she realized that G. was significantly stronger than she was because of all the barn work she had been doing. Being a wee bit competitive, it spurred her on to help and get stronger, too. I actually couldn't think of a better physical therapy regimen for Y. than mucking stalls and pushing wheelbarrows. 
  • At a fundraiser for J.'s school last fall, we won a basket in the silent auction. One of the things in the basket was a free 2-session clay class. Since L. has been all about making things out of clay, J. asked if a 10 year old could take that class because she would love it. Well, she would be allowed to take the class and this morning was her first one. I was right; she loved it! She built two bowls and will be glazing them next week.
  • D. had been complaining that it was difficult to see the board in class, so I (finally) made an eye appointment for him. He does indeed need glasses, but just for seeing the board at this point. He is not overly happy about needing glasses.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with Legos. I love the creativity they foster. It is so fun to see what people have made with them. But, why, why, why do they also create some of the worst disagreements my children have ever had? I might have threatened to throw the entire lot of them away this past week.
Well, it's not much, but since I'm falling asleep, I'm afraid it's all you get!


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