Off to the theater

It's funny, but J. and I have noticed that ever since we moved, we've seen a lot more theater productions than when we lived closer to Chicago. It's kind of the opposite of what one would expect. We used to go to quite a bit of theater. Heck, we were the people who took a three year old and a five year old to see A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater. It seemed sane at the time because both M. and B. were excellent audience members. (Would I ever even consider again? Probably not.) By that time they were both experienced theater goers, having seen their aunt perform in As You Like It at a Shakespeare festival. Well, M. did. B. was an infant. It was an outdoor theater and the three adults took turns pacing with him far behind the audience. Anyway, we've all seen a lot of theater.

And then we had a lot of children, and didn't see so much theater. Time... money...  you know the drill. So, it's nice to be back at a time of life when it is at least a possibility, such as today, for instance.

The other day, we were given the opportunity to see Beauty and the Beast at the Paramount Theater in Aurora. So, I cleared our schedule, bundled everyone up, and off we went.

Well, ten of us went. Four of us had to work. You can tell how excited everyone was for me to take their picture. I promise you, everyone was having a good time immediately before and immediately after I made them stand still and allow the camera to suck their souls from their bodies. This is even as far as I could convince everyone to stand in front of the back drop. It makes you appreciate our family picture at Thanksgiving even more, huh?

The show was good; it's just a fun show in general. But do you know what really made my heart sing? The diversity in the casting. Both the beautiful enchantress/Babette (different roles played by the same actress) and the Beast were played by people of color. It made me happy. The masses also enjoyed it. Some liked the singing best, some (ahem, L.) didn't care for the singing, but did really enjoy the wolves, and still others just liked the whole thing. See it if you have a chance

It was a great way to start the week before Christmas countdown. Even better, that we were able to see the show and I don't feel crazed with things to do. I spent the morning making my grocery list and preparation schedule, and I think there is time for everything. We'll see how accurate my scheduling is as we get closer to Christmas. But J. is now off from school until after New Year's, so I'll have an extra pair of hands to help.


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