Friday bullets, Dec. 6, 2019

And here it is Friday again. How does that happen?

  • The big news is that our new couch and chair arrived! Two weeks earlier than predicted, I might add. I really love them and make the living room look like a real room.

I want to change the pillows eventually to more dark blues and rusty reds, but these work for the time being. Plus, I didn't even know the extra pillows were included! It was a happy surprise.
  • The chair and a half is a little bigger than I thought it would look in here. First we tried it on the other side of the room. It didn't work so well.

So the very nice men who delivered it move it around for me.
  • As you can see, the tree is up and ready to be decorated on Sunday. It is up because J. cut off about a food of tree from the bottom because we failed to do any measuring at all when we picked it. I'm going to make swags for the front doors with the extra branches.
  • Everyone is getting a little (okay, a lot) excited about decorating. Some have started to get to work a little early. When I was taking the pictures of the new couch, I noticed a couple of ornaments hanging on the tree. 
When we got out the Christmas book yesterday, one was a how-to book about making Christmas ornaments with Lego. Not surprisingly, K. was all over it. I have no recollection of the book or where it came from.

This is an owl by L. She is back to major felt creating after seeing my penguin from the other day.
  • We opened a jar of the pickled eggs that I made a couple of months ago when the birds were still laying. The reviews were very mixed. Some people liked them, but those were the same people who have yet to meet a food that they didn't like. Other people were not so excited by them. The pickling did make the egg yolks oddly tough. I'm not sure I'll be making them again.
  • A. told us that she is going to be on the Dean's List this semester. We're very proud of her.
  • M. and D. are still in the throws of finishing up schoolwork and finals.
  • The bulk order is in and I will be going with a good friend tomorrow to pick it up. I'm both excited to spend time catching up with someone whom I don't get to see very often, and excited to get some supplies that we had run out of... oats for instance.
  • My Christmas shopping is not done. I'm now at the point where I've bought more gifts than I've written down, and I need to do some sorting and organizing before I shop some more. 
  • The dogs are not allowed on the new couch and chair.
  • Don't you love it when you have a library book due and you ask your children to go and get it, only to be told with blank looks that they have NEVER seen that book before in their lives? And you believe them and go in to the library to see if it accidentally didn't get checked back in, which it didn't, and then, as the librarian is renewing the book one more time to see you if you can find it, you go on and on about how you are sure you don't have it. Then, after you've been gone, what do you see when you return but the book that suddenly appeared in someone's room because they had forgotten about it. Don't you love that? I don't, actually. At least I'll be able to return it now.
  • I showed the younger six the old Nova episode where Egyptologists try to raise a stone obelisk to see if they can figure out how the ancient Egyptians did it. They enjoyed it (it's a good series). The next thing I know, K. has brought out to show me his Lego creation where he pretty much replicated the whole engineering aspect of the show, with a Lego obelisk that could be pulled along an incline and then dropped into a pit. I did not get a photo of it, though, before a sister pulled it apart.
And now I should go. Tomorrow will be another full day, and I'm pooped.


Rusulica said…
I hope you will be delighted to hear you have a whole week more for that shopping, as today is December 7th :)
thecurryseven said…
I just noticed that right before I read your comment! I have no idea what I was thinking. 😃 Now I shall go and correct it so I don't confuse myself next week.


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