A very merry Chirstmas

We've just had a wonderful holiday. Fun, relaxing, enjoyable, and the fact it was in the upper 50's and lower 60's certainly didn't hurt. Not terrribly Christmas-y, but I'm not going to complain. There was a Christmas Eve seizure from R., but her rescue medicine continues to work. For J. and I, it was pretty much a Christmas miracle, because a few months ago, this would have sent her into a three day psychotic non-sleeping cycle. That would not lend itself to a calm and enjoyable Christmas. It makes those two ER trips completely worth it.

The day or two before Christmas always involves a great amount of baking. These were part of Christmas breakfast. I always forget exactly how much butter these cinnamon rolls require.

I was also able to finish G.'s Easter dress which became her Christmas dress. I needed to change the sleeves a bit, but she ended up liking it which meant she would wear it.

She was not overly excited by playing model, if you couldn't tell.

Christmas Eve officially begins with the 4pm church service.

When everyone is at church, we take up an entire row. When you take up an entire row, you get there a little early to be sure you can find an entire row to take up. It's all okay when everyone can enjoy hot cocoa and peppermints while they wait.

We came home and had dinner. Christmas Eve dinner is always finished with a birthday cake for Jesus. Here is this year's cake.

On Christmas morning, everyone waits upstairs until the parents are up, have had some coffee, and gotten everything ready. This year, we started really hearing everyone waiting for us about 8am. A perfectly decent time. Then everyone lines up in age order and heads downstairs to look in stockings. With the much shorter staircase in this house, it would be more accurate to say people clump together in vague age order.

G. and I did the barn, with G. happily giving the horses their peppermints and apples. We came in and had breakfast, which concluded with the lighting of the Christ candle. Then we spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon enjoying the day and opening gifts. 

There really aren't photos to share because no one was taking any. My only photo from the morning was of Midnight playing with his new toy.

After a quick lunch we left to head to J.'s sister's house where we had more food and festivities. It was a good day. TM took gift giving to a new level and truly showered everyone with gifts. I love to see generosity in my children. Look at one of my gifts that he gave me. Handmade signs for the driveway.

One of R.'s gifts was a surcingle. The vast majority of you are probably saying, Huh? It's a piece of horse equipment that I felt as though we needed before we allowed R. to get to ride. It has been a source of great frustration for her that she hasn't had a chance yet. The weather was perfect today, so P. and I did some work Bristol to be sure she would be okay, and then it was time for R. to (finally!) get to ride.

P. is leading and J. and I are side walking. (You can't see me because I'm short and hidden by P.) 

R. did a great job and we were even able to do some trotting.  I think it was the highlight of her Christmas. 

J. is off of work for this next week, so we still have quite a few more days of relaxing and vacation, though a trip to the grocery store is definitely in the cards for tomorrow.


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