The desire for boring

My life is not boring. Usually this is a good thing, but sometimes too much not boring stuff going on just feels, well, too much. I really think I'd like to try boring out for a few weeks. I think I could make it work. Instead...

Please keep my mom in your prayers. She is really struggling right now. Sorry to be vague with the details but I really do try to give the gift of privacy to the adults in my life. But do pray. I'm deciding if this warrants another emergency trip to Arizona.

Also, R. was helping me in the kitchen this evening when the next thing I know is she is flat on her back having a tonic-clonic seizure. This is the first one I can think of where she didn't complain of an aura before hand. That makes this very different. She now seems to be heading quickly towards one of her psychotic nights as well, which pretty much means zero sleep for me and J. The small sliver of rational brain I have left at this time of night finds this interesting, making the connection between seizure and post-ictal psychosis a lot stronger. I'm afraid the larger part of my brain just wants to run away to a hotel room and sleep. I won't do that to J., though. It is really a two person effort. But, boy, do I want to.

See? Boring sounds grand. I'd like to experience it sometime.


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