New co-op

I meant to write something last, night, really I did. But Sunday night, R. had a bout of not sleeping. (So now we know our new sedative doesn't work under those circumstances. This was not a discovery we wanted to make!) That meant by the time night rolled around on Monday night, J. and I were both doing our very best just to function long enough to make it until we could collapse in bed. It probably would have been a very nonsensical post had I even tried. It might have even ranked up there with the college paper I once wrote when pulling (a very rare) all-nighter. I don't do well without sleep, even as a college student. At one point I fell asleep only to discover that I had continued to write while, but instead of writing the paper, I was writing down my dream. It was very weird. I think the dream had something to do with football, which is actually even weirder if you ask me. Anyway, clearly I am not functioning at a full 100% as my digressions are odder and longer than usual. I also am thinking I should create a new label to classify posts with. This one would be titled "sleep", though "not sleeping" would probably be more appropriate.

Today was the first day of our new homeschool co-op that we have joined, and it was a rousing success. Everyone loves their classes and is already looking forward to returning next week. I love the whole atmosphere (relaxed, happy, intelligent), and am very impressed with the high level of competence and preparation on the part of the teachers.

Each child is getting to take two classes...
G. - photography and art
L. - spelling booster (her choice) and art
Y. - spelling booster (also her choice) and Japanese (language)
K. - creative writing with Legos and Lego robotics (see a theme?)
H. - art and a math games class
TM - private flute lessons and art

D. is with J., taking his college classes on Tuesdays, and R. sits with either me or TM during the day doing the bag of activities for her. She was pretty happy with getting to do activities which I usually limit at home. When people weren't in a class, they had brought things to do. Some spent most of their time reading while others played games with other students who also didn't have a class that hour. The whole thing went well and I didn't come home nearly as exhausted as I thought I might.

After two and half years of searching, I think I might have finally found our homeschool community. Relief is actually the biggest emotion I feel about it all.


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