Friday bullets, July 26, 2019

I'm a little bleary (okay,  more than a little). R. was up most of the night doing her all-night-long-psychotic-fun-fest. Boy, I hope she sleep tonight. I am not hopeful. So, if what I write doesn't make a whole lot of sense, that's my excuse.

  • It seems my tongue-in-cheek blog post yesterday didn't really translate from my head to my page. Those "wild" tomatoes? They are the ones I planted in the garden in May. Those pictures are of my supposed garden. It's not good. 
  • I did get something out of the garden, though. Yesterday, I picked (after I found them) a whole lot of kohlrabi. I used them to make a kolhrabi, coconut, and lemon soup. It was well received.
  • One good thing about letting the garden go to pot is that some plants are making a nice lot of seeds. These are plants that you can use the seeds to grow the same plant, so that's a good thing. This afternoon, G., L., and I spent some time collecting bok choy seeds. 
  • I asked G. to take some pictures of K.'s latest Lego creations so you could see some of them.

  • Speaking of creations, we are slowly finishing learning about Scotland. (You know, so we can finish up last year's school work before we start this coming year's.) So, the other day, everyone made Loch Ness monsters.

  • We took our horse trailer in to be checked out because we wanted to use it this Sunday since it had been sitting for quite a while. Well, the bad news is that it is not structurally sound and will cost at least $4500 to repair it. The trailer is not worth putting that much money into it, so essentially, we have a very emergency-ish trailer that we can't use. There is no good news about this.
  • I think everyone might be nearly well for the first time in three weeks.
  • Every so often TM sends me a bunch of Aster pictures to share with you. Here are some of the ones he sent me.

  • Of course it wouldn't be fair to share Aster pictures and not share one of Olive, would it?
  • My bruise from my fall earlier in the week is pretty spectacular. I'm not sure I've ever had one turn quite this shade of bright purple.
  • The two cats whom we hoped would become barn cats have vanished. We have no idea if they just wandered away somewhere else or if something worse happened to them. As upsetting as this is, it is even worse because G. had become terribly attached to Rosebud and is still looking for her. We have lost cat posters taped up all over the house. It is so terribly pitiful we can barely stand it. There is truly very little worse than a broken-hearted G.
  • I still have not put the suitcases away from our trip to Amsterdam. They are unpacked, but just sitting in the hallway. Does anyone else do this? It's not as though it would be terribly difficult to take them upstairs, I just haven't.
  • A. has a new job and is back to being a swim teacher.
  • There is a very small part of my brain that realizes I need to start planning the next school year. I am currently ignoring that small part of my brain for right now, even if some people have already gone back to school. It's not even August, people! That is so wrong.
  • I feel a little like screaming every time I come across a plea for foster parents. We are not at a place where we could even contemplate that, but that doesn't matter because we do not even qualify. It drives me wild that there is a constant need for foster parents yet any family with more than six children is automatically disqualified. I just don't get why you would carte blanche ignore the most experienced parents out there.
And with that, I'm about to go tuck people into bed. Please pray that R. sleeps. J. and I are both done in. 


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