Cave paintings

When I was grade school, I first learned about the cave paintings that were found in Lascaux Cave in France. I was fascinated by them and still am. So, when I was planning our round the world trip when we went to France I knew that I wanted to cover the cave paintings in Lascaux Cave. We read a book about the boys who discovered it, we looked at photographs taken before the cave was closed, and we watched a movie with footage from the actual cave. After all that, what better than to do a craft related to the cave paintings?

This morning, K. and Y. created a cave in a hallway out of kraft paper.

Then people took turns crawling in and creating cave drawings.

With the flash, it was actually much darker in there.


K. had collected flashlights to use so they could see what they were doing.

And the cave paintings.

This was by G. and it is apparently a Far Side joke. It's sad when your 9 year old has to explain the joke she made about a Far Side joke. I used to read The Far Side; I really did. 

The cave stayed up most of the day to the annoyance of the older people. It made getting to their bathroom a little trickier. The dogs were also confused by it and often weren't sure how to get where they wanted to go.


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