Horse day

Emmy is home!

But that wasn't the only big event of the day. Yesterday I also had my first real riding lesson in several years. I am taking P.'s lesson spot where she has been riding because I need to brush up my skills. I was a little nervous. It had been some time since I had really ridden and I worried about how many skills I had lost. When I last really rode, I was feeling pretty confident and was jumping. How long would it take to get back to where I was?

Well, the good news is that I haven't lost that much ground. While I felt as though I must have looked like a rag doll being toted around on a horse, my new trainer thought I looked pretty good for that much time off. She even had me jumping some low fences. Not gracefully by any stretch of the imagination, but I made it over and didn't come off. She also thought I had really good fundamentals, which is always good to hear. The bad news? I am sore now, as I am writing this the night before it posts, and I cannot imagine how I will be moving in the morning. I am going to be shuffling around like a 100-year old woman, and it's not going to feel good, either.

But on to Emmy. She loaded into the trailer just fine, though she was not a huge fan of backing out when we got home. I managed to convinced her, and moved her into the barn, adding a second blanket because it is dang cold out there right now.

Here are some pictures M. took.

(She's eating a carrot.)

The younger children are fascinated, and are looking forward to having some lessons as to how to behave and treat horses. Some are particularly looking forward to learning how to do some grooming. I'm not putting anyone on Emmy until I can work with her a bit as she has sat for over half a year now.

With a high of 11 degrees today, I am also very much looking forward to warmer weather.


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