Finally a successful art project

We have been in an art project slump. Either what I picked doesn't work out as well as I had hope, or some child or another goes off in a fit because of frustration. It has made me a little gun shy about doing art projects. I admit to holding my breath a bit when we started the one I had planned for today.

The project was pretty scripted, so I was hopeful that things would go well. There were some bad moments. I will admit to pausing to give a lecture as to appropriate attitudes, how nothing ever turns out perfectly, and often something can end up looking nice if you just keep going and don't leave the table in a screaming fit. I might have had to give that lecture twice.

But we ended up with completed projects that everyone is happy with.

from left to right, top to bottom: D., Y., TM, H., E., K., R., L., and G.

There was another success other than everyone having actually completed it. R. did hers nearly all on her own, by looking at what I had done on mine and copying it. I only helped her when she was doing her branches because she doesn't like to end lines once she has started drawing them and with what to paint where. I was a little astounded.

I'm pretty pleased with them and love how they look all together. They are on water color paper with marker, water colors, and paint marker. (I found the instructions at Art Projects for Kids.)


Thanks again for this post

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