Christmas tree cutting

This morning we continued with the holiday festivities and went and cut down a Christmas tree. Last year we tried a new place, closer to our new home, but like our apple orchard experience, that tree place was over priced and under whelming. So today, we drove back up to our favorite tree cutting place, Out on a Limb Christmas Tree Farm. I love this place. It's inexpensive and there is a nice variety of trees. On the way up to the where the trees are, we rode the tractor, but walked on the way back down. The trees are shaken and netted as part of the price. Plus there is complimentary hot chocolate. We had a lovely morning together. And it didn't rain!

On the tractor to look for a tree.

We did not choose this tree.

We did find a tree, though. It's a longer needle tree than we usually get, but we were all smitten with this one.

It's a Scotch pine, it turns out. We decided it needed a Scottish name, so Fergus was suggested. Notice how Fergus is spelled. It's the name, with an 'e'. This is how my brain sees the word. It took several more people saying the name and laughing for me to realize that there was a joke there. It took several more minutes to sort out what might be funny about it. Then, it slowly dawned on me... Fergus... Firgus... tree... fir... Ah! And then I laughed. Have I mentioned that I am extremely pun impaired?

The tree was carried down, and we had our hot chocolate.

Inside the little cabin they also sell various Christmas items. I fell in love with a tree skirt (something we didn't have), and splurged a bit.

Lovely, isn't it?

And then it was time to load up and head back home. Before we went, everyone needed to give the miniature donkey another pat. We all really love miniature donkeys. What's not to love? 


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