Overly warm days in October must not be spent inside

Today we took a trip to the Brookfield Zoo. It seemed like a fun outing to do while my mom was here, and when it's 80 degrees and sunny in October, you really need to take advantage of it. It could very well be our last warm day for quite a while. We had a lovely time without even a single melt down. I think it may be some sort of record.

This is everyone of the children who went. L. is even there behind R., though she didn't want to show her face. Kind of the opposite problem in yesterday's post. Where, if you have sharp eyes, you will notice that A. got cut out of the family photograph.

G. and K.



K. and L.


And of course I needed to take a picture of the White's Tree Frog. A White's was M.'s first amphibian, and I feel a vague sentimental attachment to them.

It's been a great visit with my mom. We're making stuffed spinach pizza tonight for a last night celebration, and then tomorrow we drive to the IL/IA border, where we'll meet my brother, and she'll continue the Visiting the Grandchildren Adventure with his family.


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