Friday, October 19, 2018

I'm so happy to be at the end of this week. It was not a spectacular end to a not spectacular week.

  • L. has been running a worasaurus school all week. Worasauruses are the imaginary dinosaurs that L. has made up, and which she becomes when life seems too hard. She spends a lot of time being a worasaurus. This week, she decided that she needed to teach her siblings worasaurus. It is a very complicated language, and it amused me to listen in on their lessons. It sounds as though it must be a derivation of Klingon to my uneducated ear. The other night, L. was moaning about how much work it was to create the test that she was giving to her students the next day. 
  • It was amazing to me that G., K., and Y. stuck with their worasaurus lessons. They even took the test L. gave them. Today, though, it was nearly a crisis when L.'s students mutinied, and decided that they really wanted to play something else.
  • I got to spend some time with my horse. (Oh, how I love being able to write that phrase!). It will be much easier once we are able to move her home. 
  • We have moved on to the country of Jordan for our around the world trip. Everyone now really, really wants to go see the city of Petra. So do I.
  • We lost another chicken this week, but we are not entirely sure which chicken it was. The flock had to stay in the pen today, and they were not pleased.
  • L. still refuses to sit on the red cushions I bought for the dining room chairs last spring.
  • The saddles we got as part of the bulk lot of horse supplies a while back have come back from the saddlers, all repaired and stitched back together, good as new. What's more amazing is that the total for both saddles together was less than $100. 
  • Amazingly, we are still on schedule with my plan for school. There have been a couple of days when we set aside the text books, and just done our unit studies, but for the most part, those have been few. I'm not sure I've ever still been on schedule in October.
  • I had forgotten how much I despised writing with the goal of focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I despise immensely. It is soul sucking. It is not writing, or at least real writing. We'll see how much longer I keep my current writing gig. 
  • I never buy lottery tickets, but I have to admit with the current numbers for the Powerball, I thought twice about that decision. Nothing like getting the notice that P.'s bill for Class Afloat is due Nov. 1 to make me think how we can gain some more income. 
  • It also doesn't help that as I was fixing a blanket this afternoon, my sewing machine broke. There is something wrong with the bobbin, but I don't know what. All of my usual tricks did not work, and I'm afraid I will need to take it in tomorrow to get repaired. This makes me feel almost physically sick, especially as I had several things I was going to work on this weekend. 
  • And then, at dinner, we had put the garlic bread in the oven to warm. When it should have been done, I checked on it, but it still seemed as though it needed more time, so put it back in. When checked again, it looked not different, and slowly the realization dawned that the over was not hot at all. Yes, it seems as though the oven on the range is broken as well. This, too, makes me unhappy.
  • See why Powerball seems like a good idea?
And with that I will leave you. I'm almost afraid to use anything these days for fear that it, too, shall break. You can believe that I'm talking very, very nicely to every other device/appliance in the house.


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