Friday bullets, Aug. 24, 18

Phew! It's been a day, but I'm squeaking in with the weekly round-up.

  • One picture from our vacation that didn't make it into the video (which I know you still haven't seen) amuses me greatly.

The restaurant where we ate lunch cooks whole turkeys on site. Their rotisserie has a glass window which can be viewed from the waiting area. This fascinated some of the younger group. Who needs television? We could just put in a turkey rotisserie.
  • We brought home a whole bushel of Red Haven peaches from Michigan. They were pretty unripe when we bought them on Tuesday, but by Thursday they were perfectly ripe and delicious. So ripe and delicious that I knew if I didn't do something with them nearly instantly, they would explode and drip juice everywhere. (I've dealt with over ripe exploding, dripping peaches before, and I really feel as though I don't ever need to do that again.) To avoid the exploding peach scenario, I spent the morning getting them safely processed. The total was 5 quarts of peach slices which I'll use for pies, 5 pints of peach jam, plus enough sliced peaches which I'll turn into pie this weekend. There are still about 20 peaches to eat fresh, which was a relief to my peach-loving children. They will probably be all gone by Sunday.
  • TM and D. started Driver's Ed on Wednesday morning. 
  • P. spent the day working for a local equine vet as an assistant. Sort of a working interview. She enjoyed it, and will be working again on Tuesday.
  • J. begins his new job on Monday. It will be odd to have him gone all day again.
  • I did my second volunteer stint with the local therapeutic riding program this afternoon. I loved it just as much the second time, and continue to find it endlessly interesting.
  • Y. has clearly moved into the definite reader category. She spent two hours this morning with her nose in a book, then came downstairs and announced she had finished Stuart Little, but was annoyed that she didn't get all her questions answered at the end of the book.
  • There hasn't been a picture of Olive recently. That needs to be corrected.
  • This coming week will be all school planning all the time. It really needs to be done.
  • Did I mention that J. finished reading the entire Lord of the Rings to the smaller people?
  • We tried growing edamame in our garden this year, and had quite a few grow. (It's really just a soy bean variety for eating fresh.) We had one batch with dinner last night. I'm always so excited, and vaguely amazed, that we can grow and eat something that works and tastes good. 
  • Why had I never thought to search 'math art projects' before this?!
  • I currently have three different neuroscience books checked out of the library, and I'm worried that I won't be able to finish them all before they come due.
And that's all I got. Enjoy your weekend. I'll be making pickles.


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