
This is what the play loft has looked like for the past few days.

The mailboxes are in case any mail comes for them while they are camping.

It really does take up much of the loft.

It's hard to tell, but this is a giant fort (or tent... they go back and forth in what they call it), that the younger half built. It is quite extensive on the inside. G. offered to take my phone and take pictures, thus saving me from crawling around inside it.

I think this has some purpose, but I don't know what.

The pictures are mainly of the various sleeping areas they created. Having done this, they then asked if they could all sleep in it night before last. We said yes, and they happily snuggled down.

This was not the first time they had snuggled down in their beds, though. Most of yesterday and the day before consisted of living in their tent. They would wake up, fix food over their block campfire, sing Home on the Range accompanied by L. on the her toy guitar, and go back to bed. Over and over and over.

The night passed uneventfully, which kind of surprised us. They were all up extremely early, though. You know that early morning sun does tend to wake you up in a tent. Yesterday was spent remaking the tent, and playing the game all over again. They did not sleep in it last night. We could tell they were tired yesterday, and two nights of camping might have done them... and us... in.


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