June birthday bash

The problem with having five birthdays within six days of each other in a month that also usually contains at least one round of church camp or missions trips is that it is very difficult to celebrate each of them individually. We have resorted to doing one giant birthday party. The individuals still get their chosen dinners around their actual birth date, as well as their chosen desserts, but the singing, candle-blowing, and gifts all happen at once. Last Saturday was our big June birthday bash, with all 14 of us in attendance.

L. turned 9

G. turned 9 as well. I know that is surprising. 

D. turned 15

B. turned 23

And J. turned...

well, if you really want to know, I suppose you could blow the picture up bigger.

And then there were the gifts. Getting ready for this little bash was a bit like a mini-Christmas from a budget standpoint.

First, L.

One of the things she wanted more than anything (and I know this based on the sheer amount of badgering) was a hooded cloak. She is extremely into the Lord of the Rings at the moment, which J. is reading to the younger set, and she NEEDED a cloak to skulk around the forest and whatnot. So I made one.

I don't think she has taken it off very much in the past few days. G. also wants one now, so I will be making a second one next week.

L. and G. have also been lobbying heavily for the past year or so for pocket knives.

Should I be concerned?

The other thing they have both wanted is more Super Hero t-shirts. Well, super heroes in general for L., and Batman in particular for G. They wear them all the time. L. is still squeezing into some size 6 shirts, and it's time to retire them.

It was pure coincidence that this is what they were wearing that night.

G. also received a Batman action figure, but her panda books were still in the mail and came yesterday.

D. was next, and nearly all of his gifts were still in the mail. (Anyone else becoming increasingly frustrated with the 2-day shipping that isn't?) He did get the white out tape he asked for. I am told it is to redact any sensitive information that D. doesn't want out there. 

B. wanted things to hang on his walls of his new apartment. Since he loves all things gardening and all things sheep, I found these wooden signs for him.

J. received new grill tools, because to say the ones he had been using were, well sub-par would be generous.

And some shots of the general crowd. (I did not take the gift giving pictures, by the way, that credit goes to M.)

And now I have a break from birthdays until September. Phew!


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