Friday bullets, April 12, 2018

Yesterday was beautiful and warm as promised, and we spent nearly every minute of it outside.

  • I spent most of my day trying to free some more of the trees that had become overgrown over the years. Here's a couple transformation photos.
From this...

to this. There really was a tree under there.
I also worked on this one.


  • Why does something that takes hours to do, always look like such little progress when it is all done?
  • Y. adores math, and did over 20 pages on Wednesday.
  • TM needed a photo of himself to go along with his auction basket, so he took this one. Isn't it cute?
  • D., by all accounts, is having a grand time visiting the H-S Family. He has been to the ocean, ridden a ferry, explored Seattle, learned to ride an ATV and a dirt bike, gone hiking, and seen otters playing. Real life is going to come as rather a shock, I'm afraid. He returns very late tonight.
  • I finished the last book in the Invisible Library series. It was a sad moment. Now I can only hope the author writes the next one quickly.
  • A word of warning to everyone. If you plan to be picking up ducks and carrying them about, do not wear nice clothing. I moved the ducks into the baby pen to enjoy some outside time, and when I looked down, I had duck poop down my leg. I was wearing jeans, but it was a good lesson as to what to be aware of when moving ducks.
  • Also, if you are picking up ducks, watch out for those webbies. They may look cute and harmless, but the claws they have at the end of their toes are sharp. I also think duck feet look like dinosaur feet.

Do you have any idea exactly how difficult it is to get a picture of duck feet?
  • Now that the stinky ducks have moved out, I am much more aware of how bad the chickens smell. Their days are numbered. We just need some good weather when J. is not at work to get the coop and pen finished off so we can move them.
  • Olive does not have to wear the cone anymore! Hooray! We are all celebrating. Olive now spends her days attacking the wicked, evil cone that took possession of her.
  • My speaking gig is a week from today. I suppose I should spend a little time working on it.
And that pretty much sums up the week. Enjoy your weekend!


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