Did you know...

that I have lots of lists of previous posts listed under the pages tab at the top of the blog? (I know, they're kind of hard to see, but they're there.) When a blog has so many words on it, it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. The only reason I can is that I can see a nice list of previous posts with a handy search engine attached. Otherwise, I would never be able to find anything, either.

For instance, under 'About', you can see the faces which go with all the initials I use and confuse you with. (When I went to double-check what was there, I realized that they are some rather outdated photos as well. Add at least an inch to every person, and maybe 5 or 6 inches for D.) Under 'Homeschooling' is a handy list of every post which has to do with some sort of learning project we did, all nicely categorized for you. There are also some more general education posts there as well. What isn't there are the posts dealing specifically with education and adopting older children. I need to find them and add them to the list. 'Recipes' has a pretty complete list of all the of the recipes I've shared over the years, while 'Large Families' has a list of posts directly related to parenting a larger than usual number of children.

Go ahead and take a look. You might find a post or two that you missed.

No, I didn't really have anything to write today. Why do you ask?

I have a new article published. As always, I and my checkbook appreciate any and all clicking and sharing. Why It's Important You Complete Post-Placement Reports in International Adoption


Erika said…
I love that you have posts categorized and labelled (makes my ocd heart so happy :)) However, I have been trying for several days now to find your post about games, and either I can't remember how far back it was posted or which category it fits in best. Perhaps, with Christmas coming up, you could do another post containing your favorite games? I was specifically trying to find your review about the robot game...and is it still a crowd pleaser? No pressure, I'm not even sure our game/puzzle closet can even fit another game ;).
thecurryseven said…

Was it Robot Rally? Where you move the robots around? I found the post for you. http://ordinary-time.blogspot.com/2016/12/friday-bullets-dec-30-16.html

J. and some of the younger people had it out just this past weekend and were playing it. I have to say, with the craziness of the move and getting settled, not much game playing has been happening. As things continue to settle down, and winter sets in, I will take seeing more games out as a sign that life is looking more normal.

I'm also happy to find past posts for anyone who needs one. It is far easier for me to look for things with the search engine I have available. Just let me know if you need something.

Erika said…
Thank you for responding! The closest game I found didn't sound quite right, and now I know it was indeed not the one you mentioned. Also, with the new huge backyard to explore, I think your normal may look a bit different ;).
Kristin Mueller said…
I think it's the "Robot Face Race" game that you mentioned this fall. I only know because I found it for sale on a facebook group and scooped it up for $5. We haven't played it yet because it's going to be a present, but I'm pretty excited - about the game and the great deal! :)

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