Well, hello there

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, though it might have seemed like it. Instead, I've been driving to orthodontist appointments, buying children cars, paying bills, giving sympathy to sick family members, driving to places other the orthodontist, and all those other things which fill my days. I just haven't been able to get on top of things, and instead of writing, fall into bed exhausted.

I have to admit though, that the other thing that put me off my game this past week was homesickness. I've come to the conclusion that moving from somewhere that you liked, where you had your whole social system set-up and running, and you were comfortable, is like experiencing a death. The grief of leaving that place can feel awfully similar to the grief experienced when a loved one dies. I've now mentioned this to several people who have done big moves, and they all agree with me. It is a loss to move from a situation like that, and the grief is going to be the same.

What this means in practical terms is, that one moment you can think you are doing just fine, and then the next moment a memory or something will trigger a deep sadness about what you have lost, and the grief will smack you up side the head before you have even realized it. Anyone who has experienced grief knows that there is just not a lot of functioning that happens during those times.

For me, this time, it was thinking about the holidays. I loved the holidays in our old house, in our old community, and I am having a whole lot of trouble imagining them in our new house and our new community. There is a part of me that kind of wants to skip the next couple of months, and deal with it all next year. (For my children who are beginning to panic at reading this, we won't, of course. Never fear.) I know different isn't better or worse, but I will be the first to admit that I don't always care for difference and change.

So there you go, my explanation for my little blogging hiatus. I did have a new article published a couple of days ago. Please feel free to read and share. Tips for Respectfully Asking Questions About my Special Needs Child.


Donna said…
Amen. Thanks for validating my very ambivalent feelings of the last days, weeks, months.

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