Happy 15th Birthday, H.!

Hayden turned 15 on Saturday. She was 9 when she came home 5 1/2 years ago. I cannot believe it has been that long. How far both she and I have come.

For her birthday breakfast, we had, as usual, donuts. Then, A. took H. out shopping. Just H. and A. H. loved it, and came home with some jewelry which A. bought for her. In the afternoon, H. spent a long time picking up the toy loft, all by herself. I know this sounds like an odd way to celebrate your birthday, but it is what she wanted. Normally the toy loft is filled with all sorts of toys, usually in some form of block city. H. is a pretty orderly person, and this drives her a little crazy. What she likes is when the blocks and toys all get put away neatly on shelves and sorted into their proper places. She really enjoys the sorting and organizing process, and gets extremely upset when her little brothers and sisters get everything out immediately upon getting it all put away. Really upset. So, for her birthday, we promised that she could pick it up, and it would stay that way for a while. This was a bit of a present to her from the younger people, as it was a stretch for them to leave it all put away for a while.

H. chose take-out Chinese food for her birthday dinner, and a store bought cake. It makes it easy for me.

Pictures from the evening.

H. and G.

H.'s birthday cake

Scenes from the party:

It was raining, so Kenzie spent the party in the bathroom closet.

One of H.'s gifts was a hand-held game system. She loved it because it was sooo close to a phone.

The other thing she asked for, and you can see she was very excited to get, was...

a Rubiks Cube. 

She was also very pleased to receive money from Grammy.... just like one of the big kids.

Figuring out the game-thing.

The pictures were compliments of TM.

So happy birthday, my darling girl. I am so thankful that you are my daughter. I have been astounded at what you have accomplished and how far you have come. I am excited to see what the future holds for you. I love you very much!


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