Goodbye old house

I'm not sure I would recommend spending one's 26th anniversary doing a final packing of one's home. It was definitely the most stressful part of the week, and even with some amazing packing on J. and TM's part (and an extremely full trailer, van, and two cars), we still had to leave some for the P. Family to bring to us on Saturday. But we did it, and are now settled in our hotel with five children and four animals.

Last night, our older children started out having some fun wrapping siblings up in the leftover packing plastic wrap, which then devolved into a whole family dodge ball game in the empty dining room. I just want to go on record as saying that it is hard to compete against children who have years of dodge ball practice at church and Boy Scouts. (Besides the fact that my husband and children paly a far different version of dodge ball than I grew up playing. I think it is the difference between having gyms verses having PE class on a field all year long.) It was all crazy and fun and an extremely perfect way to spend our last night in our house.

Tomorrow we hang out in the morning while the old house closes (and around 10 am, I will finally start breathing again.) Then at noon, we will get our children and animals settled, and go do our final walk-through for our new house. The closing will follow afterwards, and we will have a new home. This new home currently does not have wi-fi, so I have no idea when I will be able to update with news and pictures. I will do so as soon as I can.

So, good-bye Big Ugly House. You gave us some fantastic memories, and allowed us to bring home five children from Vietnam and China. We will miss you. (Though we won't miss the stress and the taxes.)

It also seems fitting that we are starting a brand-new chapter of our lives on our anniversary. Off to a new adventure.


Amy said…
Praying all went smoothly with both closings. I have been feeling some sympathy anxiety for you all with this feat of moving your family. Can't wait to see pictures of your new home and keep up with the new adventures there. :)

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