Happy 11th Birthday, K.!

K. turns 11 today. Not only does this advanced age surprise me a bit, some some of his older siblings are completely taken aback by it as well. I think we are all so used to K. being our little, little boy, that him suddenly being a big boy takes some getting used to. When you bring home such a delayed, infant-like two year old, that it is difficult to imagine the next year much less an eleven year old. But here's the proof that it does happen. 

We celebrated last night since D.' s show that he is in (The Miracle Worker) opens tonight and plays all weekend. K. ordered potato pancakes for dinner and cherry pie for dessert. 

TM is holding the candles and that's one of K.'s good friends, P9, next to him, who came and joined us.

Of course, when your big brother holds your candles, he's going to tease you a bit as well. K. is trying to blow it out while TM keeps moving it away.

Thank you, Grammy, for the Hot Wheels monster trucks!

And a new skateboard, which had been a fond desire for quite a while now. Of course, I only heard about this fond desire less than a week ago...

P9 came back again today to play. This is both boys happily staring at all the new toys they would play with in the morning.

Happy Birthday, my darling boy! I love you to the moon and back. You are funny and creative and full of energy and imagination. You amaze me with what you have overcome and how far you have progressed. I know you will continue to amaze me in the next eleven years, too. I am so glad I get to be your mommy and that you are my son!


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