A Very Merry Christmas (photo heavy)

We went to the pageant (TM did a great job as one of the kings... I was so proud of him), came home, and had dinner for 19. Here is our birthday cake for Jesus.

After dinner we sang carols and tucked everyone into bed to be ready for the next morning. Would you believe our dear children allowed us to sleep until 8:40? I can hardly believe it myself, and I was the one sleeping.

The table all ready for breakfast (cinnamon rolls, grapefruit, and fried rice).

The stockings...

and the tree all ready for the morning.

The whole crew, in new pajamas, waiting to go downstairs.

B. giving Kenzie one of his new toys.

At the breakfast table, after lighting the Christ candle.

L. - new cowboy boots

Y. with her new doll

G. with her new doll

A. and L.

P. and TM (those are not his pajamas, he does not care to lounge in pajamas)

M. helping R. open...

her new doll. R. named her Lily.


L. in her new scientist togs.



G. with her new drum set. Yes, you read that right. Drum set. Evidently I have lost my mind. Notice it took getting to 12 children for this to even be a possibility.

L., playing mad scientist.




I've decided that beginning with Christmas Eve dinner, that the holiday is just one long meal, punctuated by gift opening. Today, we are actually going to just relax and play with new toys and games and not eat four big meals in a row.

We had a lovely, lovely day. I hope yours was just as enjoyable.


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