A little bit of mail fun

I realized yesterday that I inadvertently used the same type of title phrase two days ago, so decided to keep it going. But it was some fun mail that arrived today. Look...

Who doesn't love to get surprise presents in the mail? Certainly no one around here. This is from my virtual-turned-real-life-but-we-don't-see-each-other-nearly-enough-because-we-live-too-far-apart friend, Ann, who blogs over at Crazy for Kids. She sent gifts for the new girls, treats for everyone, and even a box of cookies for our tea time. We had them today. Everyone was thrilled to have a different type of cookie from what I usually buy.

R. and Y. especially loved their packages. I told each girl that they were from Mommy's friend. Or I told them they were from Mommy's apple. For some reason, my old brain cannot keep straight the Mandarin for those two words and I routinely get them wrong. It just adds to their conviction that their mother is insane. Still, they were quite happy with the gifts whether they were given to them by an apple or not.


So thank you, friend (apple?)!! I suppose since you've been here twice, it's time for us to head to the west coast. Wouldn't that be fun?!


Ann said…
So happy the gifts brought joy! Too often older kids are not celebrated by family friends and I want the girls to know they are loved by many! Even apples! Lol. And yes!! Please come out west! The ocean and mountains are so beautiful! We have tall trees and many hiking trails! If you come we can go to the cabin and catch fish!!
grtlyblesd said…
Oh how very cool! I got to meet Ann and two of her girls in person in China a few months ago. :) Then I saw her in airport photos on Jean's blog, There's No Place Like Home, when they were picking up their host kids. The China adoption community can be a small world, indeed.

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