Back online for real

Number of days lost with our daughters due to the horrid IL adoption system which could be fixed by Gov. Rauner's signature: 76

After two weeks of computer issues, I think we're all back to normal. There were a couple of times I thought we were, but evidently I was only online long enough to write depressing or inflammatory posts and then disappear again. I hope things, computer and otherwise, will all take a turn for the better now.

And what did you miss while I was hiding in the last century? Well, quite a bit. First, we hosted the rehearsal dinner for AL H-S followed by her wedding and all the festivities which went along with it. We took H., K., and D. to church camp. All three were very excited and in the pictures we've seen look as though they are having a great time. (A huge thanks goes to our church for making it possible for H. to attend by making sure she had an aide for the week.) The next day I drove to the Iowa/Illinois border to drop P. and TM with my brother and sister-in-law and bring back my niece. (The fact that TM actually made the decision to go is pretty huge.) There have been three birthdays... B. turned 20 and G. and L. turned 6. My parents celebrated their 50th (!) wedding anniversary. And I worked on my experiment-in-progress of making pectin (for jam making) from scratch from windfall apples that my sister-in-law brought me from their enormous apple trees.

See? You shouldn't disappear for so long. All of this I was planning on blogging about, with pictures even. But, it didn't happen. Other than the annoying feeling of not being able to reply to people who you need to give information to, I didn't actually mind being off line. It was rather peaceful. I need to go back to limiting my computer use a bit more. You should try it.

Now that we're all caught up, I need to run. It's time to make the return trip to the border.


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